Past Events
Explore available recordings and resources from past Think Company webinars, workshops, and community events.
Creative work at a distance
In this webinar recording, you will learn about the challenges creative teams have been facing in this distributed environment and how our teams have been working to overcome them.
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Understanding design systems
In this webinar recording, you can learn about what design systems are and the value they bring to teams and organizations.
Watching the webinar recording
Saving projects from process debt
In this webinar recording, you can learn about the nature of process debt, including shortcomings in things like culture, empathy, collaboration, morale, experience, and requirements.
Watch the webinar recording
How fast is fast? Demystifying website performance
In this webinar recording, you can learn about measuring, recording, and talking about website page performance.
Watch the webinar recording
Turning conflict into collaboration with content strategy
Learn about best practices for achieving internal alignment and framing conversations for the best possible outcome.
Watch the webinar recording