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Case Studies

University & Student Matching Application for a Successful Educational Startup

The Opportunities

  • Parents, students, and guidance counselors were extremely frustrated with existing software for researching and managing communications with universities due to system limitations and poor user experiences
  • Guidance counselors tended to rely on established relationships with a handful of schools and didn’t have a reliable tool to surface new schools that matched with the requirements/interests of students
  • Universities were frustrated with not having a tool for assessing student “fit” (not just Intelligence Quotient, but also Emotional Quotient and Creative Quotient) prior to costly and time consuming in-person meetings with candidates
screenshot of university and student matching application

The Solution

We created the “” for universities and students, with additional unique features and interfaces for parents and guidance counselors.

Our Approach

  • Designed the complete experience and aesthetic (including logo and brand guidelines) for the new product and company; a responsive web application designed to match applicants with universities—including unique interfaces for students, parents, guidance counselors, and university admissions
  • Included extensive research with all persona groups and involvement with business strategy and validation
  • Created new types of digital interactions between students and schools using social web conventions, video, and more

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