Case Studies
Intranet Redesign (20K+ Users) for one of the Largest & Oldest Children’s Hospitals in the World
The Opportunities
- Employees expressed frustration with three legacy intranets that had overlapping and inconsistent information/functionality; each had unique login credentials and many users needed to access all three intranets on a daily basis
- Searches could only be conducted on one intranet at a time rather than across systems; users distrusted search in general since it returned outdated documents with varying relevancy to the search term
- Existing assets were built upon information architecture and taxonomy that reflected internal organization and jargon rather than the workflows and mental models of users
Intranet usage was inconsistent, the assets were not delivering a return on investment for the maintenance and upkeep, and employees didn’t feel they could rely on it in many situations

The Solution
We consolidated three existing corporate intranets into one central portal that provides single-sign on, which allows for quick and accurate location of information and applications that support all functions—from administrative to point-of-care actions and decision making.

Our Approach
- Performed extensive contextual research with various user groups, many of whom would be using the redesigned product for point-of-care decision making
- Leveraged research to create strategies and recommendations to successfully transition and sunset three existing legacy intranets
- Designed the information architecture, interaction models, and visual treatment of the new platform (built on SharePoint 2013) used by more than 20,000 users; provided ongoing support through development, branded the new intranet, and led the internal marketing initiative during rollout