Inclusive design: Building a bias-informed practice
November 17, 2020
November 19, 2020
Our Content Strategy Advocate Dave Thomas led a two-part, virtual workshop on implementing inclusive practices into your organization’s design process.

About this Workshop
This is a two-part, virtual workshop.
- Part 1 will run on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. EDT.
- Part 2 will run on Thursday, November 19, 2020 from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. EDT.
This workshop is intended to help organizations come up with systemic ways to mitigate bias in their design processes. This process begins with the acknowledgement that our users have biases, and so do we—and it asks how we might use design and content strategy tools and methods to reduce the harm those biases might cause (or, to use some of our mental shortcuts for good).
Participants of this workshop will:
- Gain experience using some of the methods (red team/blue team, ethical goal-setting, etc.) that lead to less-biased outcomes
- Think through a game plan for making changes within their organization to gradually implement inclusive design
- Ultimately, learn how to change not only hearts and minds, but budgets—and understand the value of making these practices standard operating procedures in a way that is reflected in project plans and budget allocations.
Proceeds from the Workshop
We are donating all of the proceeds of this event to the Bread and Roses Community Fund.