Think Brownstone Is Now Think Company!

We’re the same awesome, award-winning experience design firm, just with a new name.
If you don’t know the story (you can read it here), when Carl and I first envisioned starting a company, we thought that it might eventually become a group of 10 or 15 of us in a beautiful brownstone building in Old City Philadelphia, so “Brownstone” became the codename for the company we might start someday. That day came in 2007 when, so we could send our first invoice, we quickly incorporated as “Brownstone Creative Partners” (I know, not great) and soon learned that our name was too long to fit on our bank checks! In search of a good URL, we found and thought, “let’s just call our company that!”
So, “Brownstone” is a fun part of our origin story, but as we begin 2017—the year we will celebrate our 10th anniversary!—this part of our name no longer adequately represents who we are and who we are becoming. Plus, over the years “Brownstone” has caused a bit of confusion about us, as people we meet frequently remark, “Oh, so you’re an architecture firm?”
“Think Company” eliminates this confusion. More importantly, it simplifies our name, focusing it squarely on the work we do: helping people think. In a way, this change has been a gradual process—over the years it has felt natural to emphasize the “Think” part of our name: We have Think Books. Thinking Putty. Think Sessions. Think Spaces. We’re Thinkers.
“Think Company” is a name that’s big enough and bold enough to represent our company on a national and global stage—and that is where we’re headed. We have become our region’s premier experience design company and we intend to keep growing because there are people all over the world that need our help envisioning, and creating great experiences for their customers and employees.
Aside from our name, though, nothing is changing. We’re still the same awesome, award-winning, proudly independent experience design company that we’ve been since 2007. And we’re super excited to start our second decade as Think Company—a name that matches our excellence and audacity.
Come think with us!