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Reflections on 2023: Changing perspectives

Bookshelf with blocks spelling Think Co, a camera, and design books

Incredibly, we are already saying goodbye to 2023, and it’s time to recap the year. Truthfully though, while I never wish for time to go faster than it currently feels like it is rushing by, this is one year I’m looking forward to seeing in the rearview mirror. 

Professionally, 2023 continued to prove tricky to navigate for tech and tech-adjacent companies in particular. While I know firsthand that Think Company fared better than many, the year was not without its challenges—both anticipated and unforeseen. As we have done time and time again over the past 16+ years, we rose to the challenge as a team, and we’ve continued to learn, refine, and put models in place to hopefully respond even better to the kind of churn that has become pretty consistent in our marketplace.

Personally, it’s fair to say 2023 was one of the most traumatic I’ve ever experienced. Over the summer both of my retinas detached—at the same time. This had my eye doctors gasping at the severity of my predicament, which isn’t the best mood booster. Further perspective was provided when, as I was asking a lot of questions about the planned procedures and uncertain outcomes, I was told,“we understand you’re very concerned, but we are literally trying to prevent you from going blind right now.” Hearing something like that puts things in perspective quickly.

Several months later, as I write this, I’m straining through two pairs of stacked glasses in order to achieve some degree of clarity. Maybe that’s a metaphor for what I’m always trying to do at Think Company. When looking out over the horizon and attempting to make some sense of what is only beginning to come into focus, and trying to figure out how we can continue to do the best for our clients, Thinkers, and the business itself as the next waves of challenges and opportunities come our way. 

What am I seeing then, even if at present, it’s still quite blurry?

Incredibly, once again, we are finishing out an interesting year with an outlook that gives me a very high degree of confidence that 2024 will bring with it the best company performance in our history. Incredibly, yes, but not miraculously, because this didn’t happen by accident. I am not going to rattle off all that our team accomplished this year—that breadcrumb trail is spread all over LinkedIn and our various other accounts, our communications and messaging, and those of our clients celebrating what we accomplished together. What I am going to say is that in 2023, Think Company showed up—gave me strength, and supported me when I was at one of my personal lows.

We rode the roller coaster of the marketplace with a firm grip, never wavering from exceeding the expectations of our clients. We never strayed from the curiosity, the drive, and the push for continuous improvement baked into our core values and demonstrated daily. Think Company continued to find the humor in things, the common ground, and make bold suggestions for how things might be better. I’ve been with this company for over 16 years. Why? Because the people who work here are truly the best of the best—at what they do, and who they are.

And the eyes? Well, the metaphors continue to abound. There are aspects of my sight I won’t regain. But overall, the prognosis is one I have real reason to be optimistic about, thankfully. And the most important thing I’ve gained from this experience is an increased intention to be thankful for what I have, while I have it. It is critical to balance awareness of what you’ve lost (or have not yet attained) with appreciation for all you have (or how far you’ve come as a team and how much you’ve accomplished). 

However 2023 felt for you and your organization, may you and yours have a restful, grateful holiday season and always find the capacity to honor and celebrate what you’ve accomplished—even as you now strive for newly minted, ever more aspirational goals. 


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