Inspired By The “Think Truck”

When was the last time a dump truck made you think?
I snapped this picture about 2 weeks ago and I have to admit, this dump truck, in all its classic soot and grime, has stuck with me. At first I spent some time thinking about the dump truck industry and how that truck in particular driving down route 263 fits into a global puzzle of more-than-epic proportions (perhaps you might be able to intuit my political leanings from this, just maybe). But what are we to do with all our garbage?
Then the Think truck made me wonder what might be boldly painted on the back of its fellow fleet-members. When the dump trucks are all tucked in at night is it a modern version of the seven dwarfs with, “Question,” “Decide,” “Challenge,” “Do”, “Learn”, and “Change” snoring away beside lovable ‘ol “Think”?
Then I noticed something else, I’m reading the backs of cars and trucks all the time now. Hunting for the gems in the rough. I pull up close to make out the messages on the back of the snow- and salt-encrusted cars. Today I was behind a Tastykake® truck that had a bumper sticker saying “This Truck Equipped with Tasty Breaks.” I have to admit, I’m a total sucker for things that make me think, if only for a split second and no matter how cheesy– but think! And then the light turned green and I drove off looking for more.
It’s sort of like an example of real-world Easter Eggs – those hidden messages and bits of fun embedded in digital designs – albeit maybe not as hidden. But like their digital counterparts, these little messages can make the routine a bit more interesting and engaging, while capitalizing on the “fun factor”. Though I’ve created this game myself across a wider system that may be oblivious to me as a target audience, it speaks to the human tendency to turn things into games, to explore, and to want to be surprised. Food for thought in our designs – digital and otherwise.
So here’s to the Think truck that gets it. One well-placed, unexpected word has got me thinking and seeing the world with fresh eyes. I hope Think’s fellow truck-dwarfs are out there somewhere cause I can’t wait to find myself behind another and to see where it takes me.